Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Should i buy my little cousins a fushigi ball?

they were so ecstatic about the commercials whenever they came on

but they are so little

i really dont think they will be mature enough to be ablke to actually enjoy it, if u know what i mean|||I would not do it. They are not great fun for little kids. Older kids might enjoy them, but even for older kids they are not great. The television commercials for almost all toys make them seem like much more fun than they really are, and also make it seem like you can do things with the toys that you can't actually do.|||I don't think they will enjoy it to be honest, i think they will try it for about 5 seconds and then put it away and never use it. The commercial is very misleading and the ball is used for some form of juggling that involves balancing the ball as you roll it around your hands and stuff (there's a term for it but I don't remember what it's called). Anyway it takes a lot of skill, coordination, and practice to get the hang of so most little kids with small attention spans would not have much fun with one.

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