Saturday, February 11, 2012

Is it possible for a ferret to hide a fushigi ball?驴?

I had it on my floor and my ferret was out for a few hours I can't find it|||Sir, ferrets hide anything they can get their hands on. Especially something in ball form, he likely rolled it to a stash he has somewhere, where you will most likely find other things he has stolen.|||They will steal and stash anything they can get their little paws on. We fostered one for a few weeks and anything that could ether be dragged, rolled, carried, or pushed was missing. I knew were he took everything though it was a little corner that is hidden behind the couch. He was adopted after a few weeks of us having him but he was sweet and fun to have around.|||It's very possible. Mine has hidden things in places that I wouldn't think of. Make sure u chck everywhere!

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